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AO2000 CGA

The Advance Optima process gas analyzers have a modular design that offers long-term security in your investment. Analyzer modules can be freely combined into tailor-made solutions and upgraded or extended with new features at any time. Remote modules are easily attached and centrally operated.

Endura AZ O2/Combustible

The AZ40 oxygen and combustibles analyzer continuously samples and analyzes combustion waste gases, often referred to as flue gas. The AZ40 determines the levels of excess oxygen using a zirconia-based oxygen sensor and unburnt fuel with an enhanced carbon monoxide detector to measure the carbon monoxide equivalent (COe).

ICOS Laser

The ABB ICOS analyzer utilizes a unique laser absorption technology called Off-Axis Integrated Cavity Output Spectroscopy (OA-ICOS). This ABB-patented technique offers numerous advantages compared to other laser-based techniques, allowing measurement of contaminants at ppt/ppb-levels.