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Steam / Energy Management & Technology

Maintaining high-quality steam for all steam users can greatly impact plant safety, reliability, productivity, and environmental targets, impacting site financial success. Our technical expertise, coupled with a supplier whose policy is Quality First and Incomparable Originality, provides the best solutions for reducing risk and improving steam- and condensate-return systems. We are available to make site visits to help make these improvements. Selecting the appropriate technology steam trap provides years of safe and reliable performance. At Rawson, we address all condensate drainage locations such as driplegs, tracers, heat exchangers, reboilers, steam turbines, flares, steam jets, API Plan 62 seals, etc. Rawson offers other equipment important to a steam and condensate system, such as: steam regulators, steam separators, condensate pumps, forged and fabricated steam distribution manifolds, forged and fabricated condensate collection manifolds, liquid drainers, bellows and piston valve trap stations, “clean steam” equipment, and steam trap testing equipment.

Another very important offering is training, most of which is free to the customer because we believe understanding steam and condensate systems will help prevent many detrimental mistakes. Rawson also provides steam-trap testing services utilizing TLV’s TrapMan® testing device, which is the only device that is third-party verified to ISO5841 and ASME PTC39-2005 for accuracy. See more details on our home page under the “Services” tab. Removing condensate from the compressed air system should not be overlooked. Dry air is vital to the reliability of air-driven equipment and open bleeder valves are expensive over time. Air traps achieve the same result as steam traps: removing condensate without loss of air.


Established in Japan in 1950, TLV has grown to become a world authority in steam engineering products and services. TLV now has companies in 12 different countries and offers products through over 100 distributors worldwide.

  • Steam Traps
  • Trap Valve Stations
  • Manifolds
  • Condensate Recovery Pumps
  • Separators & Pressure Reducing Valves
  • Condensers/Exchangers
  • Testing
  • Surveys
  • Steam Applications Training
  • Accessories

Steam Solutions Brochure

Download our Steam Solutions brochure and see how our steam specialists can provide you with a full steam solution that includes surveys, services, and using advanced technology.

Steam Solutions Brochure