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Honeywell Digital Chart Recorders

EZTrend Paperless Recorder

Honeywell’s eZtrend is a cost-effective, general purpose DIN size electronic data recorder that easily replaces 100 mm paper strip chart recorders, providing the ability to capture continuous and batch data electronically. Data is recorded in a secure digital format, eliminating interpolation errors that can arise from transposing data from a chart to a spreadsheet for analysis.

Minitrend Paperless Recorder

Honeywell’s Minitrend electronic data recorder represents the latest in recording technology and provides the ability to capture continuous and batch data electronically, making the analysis of data easier, faster and more reliable.

Multitrend Paperless Recorder

The Multitrend electronic data recorder is part of Honeywell’s paperless recorder family. It represents the latest in recording technology by providing the ability to capture continuous and batch data electronically, making data analysis easier, faster and reliable.

DR Graphic Circular Format Paperless Recorder

Honeywell’s DR Graphic paperless electronic data recorder represents the latest in recording technology with improved data resolution and reliability.

Users benefit from:

  • quick visualization and documentation
  • faster data analysis
  • better access to secure data
  • reduced maintenance costs.

TrendServerPro Paperless Recorder Software

TrendManager Software Suite complements the X Series family of paperless recorders and helps users review and analyze the recorded data.