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Honeywell Process Solutions

Temperature Sensors

Honeywell’s temperature sensors offer accurate performance and reliability and feature solid-state components that are impervious to dust or dirt. Honeywell provides a wide selection of sensors which cover a variety of applications from averaging, outdoor, and immersion sensors to duct-mount, strap-on, and wall-mount sensors. 

Humidity Sensors

Honeywell’s humidity sensors are highly accurate, stable humidity transducers for use with HVAC controllers, thermostats, and DDCs. Applications include room comfort, RTUs, AHUs, air conditioning, and anywhere relative humidity is tightly controlled. Available in wall-mount, duct-mount, or outdoor-mount. 

Pressure Sensors

Honeywell’s pressure sensors are suitable for the most demanding, high-performance applications and provide stable, reliable, maintenance-free operation. This line of sensors offers field-selectable pressure ranges, analog voltage, or current outputs, velocity pick-up tubes for air flow measurement, and wet sensors for hydronic HVAC applications and differential pressure control.  

CO2 Sensors

CO2 sensors are used for demand-control ventilation (DCV) to control the amount of fresh outdoor air supplied to a space for cooling and maintaining acceptable levels of CO2. Paired with a Honeywell JADE economizer, C02 sensors can triple the year-round savings over “cooling only” economizing.

Economizer Sensors

Economizer sensors are used in ventilation and air conditioning systems to control the amount of fresh outdoor air supplied to a space for cooling and maintaining acceptable levels of CO2. In a basic JADE Economizer System, a mixed-air temperature sensor (C7250A) is required. In addition, either an outdoor-temperature (dry-bulb) sensor (C7250A) or an outdoor-enthalpy sensor (C7400S) will be needed. A return-air enthalpy sensor (C7400S) and separate discharge air sensor (C7400S) are also optional. In cases where DCV is used, CO2 sensor options are: C7232, C7632, or the Sylk TR40-CO2 sensors.

Current Sensors & Command Relays

Honeywell current switches can detect whether or not current is flowing, and then transmit the status to a building management system, DDC, or PLC controller. Honeywell current transmitters measure and report the specific operating current. Used to monitor equipment or drive other equipment with a modulating output, they help prevent equipment damage and reduce downtime by detecting a motor failure, belt loss, slippage, or mechanical failure.