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Temperature Sensors

Siemens sensors record and transmit readings extremely quickly and accurately, providing an optimal basis for precise and therefore energy- and cost-efficient control of the entire HVAC plant. Whether for measuring temperature, pressure, humidity, air quality, or airflow in rooms, ducts, or outside areas, Siemens offers a transparent, clearly structured range of sensors for typical HVAC measurements and applications. The range also includes multi-sensors that measure mixed gases, as well as sensors for special areas.

Humidity Sensors

When it comes to energy-optimized control concepts, Siemens humidity sensors guarantee fault-free operation for years, even in critical applications. Thanks to the capacitive measurement element, they feature excellent long-term stability with high accuracy, freedom from maintenance, and high precision. Microprocessor technology and a sophisticated algorithm for temperature compensation ensure very high accuracy not only in the comfort range, but over the entire measurement range. Siemens humidity sensors are impervious to dust and most chemicals. Combined temperature/humidity sensors offer exceptional flexibility and savings potential.

Pressure Sensors

Siemens covers the entire range of requirements for pressure measurement. It comprises sensors for measuring very low to very high pressures in all kinds of different media, such as liquids, gases, water, refrigerants, and air. Measurement cells matched precisely to the pressure range increase the measurement accuracy, eliminating the need for temperature or pressure calibration. Siemens pressure sensors feature high measurement accuracy thanks to optimized measuring cells over the entire measurement range. Innovative and patented measuring elements provide great long-term stability.

Air Quality Sensors

Siemens air-quality sensors cover all requirements and are suitable for every type of building. The high-precision multi-sensors are available for room and duct applications, and also feature an attractive display. Thorough, precise infrared measurement and self-calibration result in cost efficiency with guaranteed measurement accuracy and long-term stability. Siemens Air Quality Sensors provide energy savings and maximum room comfort thanks to demand-controlled ventilation.

Flow Sensors & Flow Switches

Be it the flow of liquids or the flow of air, Siemens offers everything needed to ensure accurate flow measurements from flow sensors to flow switches and velocity sensors. Since all types of flow sensors are available with DC 0…10 V or 4…20 mA outputs, the products are very versatile. Siemens flow sensors and switches feature excellent resistance to media, longevity, and long-term stability, stable pressure-independent switch point, and dirt resistance.