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Model 50 - 5-8 inch

Eaton Model 50 plug-type duplex strainer removes damage-causing particulate matter from the process media, and never has to be shut down for cleaning – the line can run continuously. When one strainer basket becomes full, flow is switched to the other by simply turning the operating handle of the strainer. The first basket can be removed, cleaned, and ready for use again.

Model 52 - 10-18 inch

Eaton Model 52 butterfly valve type is a specially designed duplex basket strainer that removes damage-causing particulate matter from the system flow and never has to be shut down for cleaning – the line can run continuously. Flow is switched from one basket chamber to the other by a pair of synchronized, high-quality butterfly valves. When one strainer basket becomes full, flow is switched to the other. The first basket can be removed, cleaned, and ready for use again.

Model 53 BTX - up to 4 inches

The Model 53BTX duplex strainer will give years of trouble-free service, protecting expensive pipeline-system components from damage by unwanted particles. Because the system flow never has to be shut down for basket cleaning, the Model 53BTX duplex strainer is perfect for lines that must run continuously or for batch systems that can’t be stopped. American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) type approved for ship designers, builders, and owners.

Model 72

Eaton’s Model 72 has been the industry-standard simplex basket strainer for over 70 years and is perfect for applications in which the line can be temporarily shut down for strainer basket cleaning or changeout. The Eaton Model 72 basket strainer is a high-quality, heavy-duty unit that will stand up to the most demanding applications. There is no better simplex basket strainer made.

Model 85 Y-Strainer

Eaton Y (Wye) strainers are a cost-effective solution for the mechanical removal of unwanted solids from liquid, gas, or steam lines by means of a perforated or wire mesh straining element. They are used in pipelines to protect pumps, meters, control valves, steam traps, regulators, and other process equipment.

Model 510

The Model 510 simplex strainer is designed for larger piping systems having flow rates up to 40,000 gpm. Unlike other large size simplex strainers, the Model 510 has a multibasket design. Four strainer baskets per unit strain the process media and give the strainer an extremely high dirt-removal capability. This is an important consideration in larger-size strainers that, because of their size and design, take longer basket cleaning or change out. The longer the strainer stays in service between cleanings, the less expensive its operating costs.

Model 570 Multi-Basket 8-24 inch

The Eaton Model 570 duplex basket strainer has been specifically designed to remove potential damage-causing particles from large volumes of water and other process media efficiently and cost effectively. It operates continuously and the pipeline flow never has to be shut down for strainer basket cleaning. Flow is switched from one basket chamber to the other by a sliding gate mechanism operated by hand wheels. The free-floating valve disc mechanism moves easily and does not bind. The valve operating stem is fully enclosed, protecting it from the fluid flow.

Model 72L Tefzel Plastic Lined

A continuous lining of advanced fluoropolymer resin makes the Model 72L simplex strainer an excellent, low-cost alternative to exotic alloy strainers in a wide variety of corrosive or abrasive lined piping applications. The basic design is that of our popular time-tested Model 72.


Model 72SJ Steam Jacketed

Steam jacketed strainers are used for applications where materials must be kept hot in order to remain fluid. Applications examples are chocolate, asphalt, resins, and polymers. The strainer body temperature is maintained by circulating steam or a heat-transfer fluid through the strainer jacket. The strainer body is provided with either a carbon-steel or a stainless-steel jacket welded to the cast body. The jacket will handle steam pressures up to 100 psi.

The basic strainer used in the Model 72SJ is our popular Model 72 basket strainer which has, over the years, proven itself a standard of industry. All of the features of the Model 72 have been retained, including large-capacity baskets and yoke-type, hand-removable covers for quick basket cleaning or change out.

Model 90 1-48 inch

Designed for manufacturing flexibility, the Eaton Model 90 fabricated simplex strainer can be manufactured for pipeline sizes from 1˝ to 48˝ in carbon steel or stainless steel. Other materials are available upon request.

Model 91 T Type 2-48 inch

The Model 91 T-type strainer offers several advantages over other strainer designs. The strainer is very compact, important in applications where space is restricted. Unlike most other strainers, the Model 91 can be used in both vertical or horizontal installations and the strainer screen can be cleaned without draining the strainer housing.

Model 92 Temporary Pipeline Strainer

The Eaton Model 92 strainer is a device temporarily installed in a pipeline to remove sediment and debris from fluids. It is used for piping start-up applications only. It accomplishes straining by directing the fluid through sized openings in the strainer. Once sedi­ment and debris is collected in the strainer, fluid flow is interrupted while the strainer is removed for cleaning or replacement.

Model 950B Duplex Offset Strainer Bolted Cover (BC) 2-24 inch

The Eaton Model 950B fabricated duplex strainers operate continuously and feature two strainer basket housings connected by four individually operated valves. When the basket in the first housing becomes full, switching the flow to the second is easy using the butterfly valve assembly. Remove, clean, or replace the first basket for use again; the pipeline never shuts down.

Model 950B Duplex Offset Strainer Bolted Cover (BC) 2-24 inch

The Eaton Model 950B fabricated duplex strainers operate continuously and feature two strainer basket housings connected by four individually operated valves. When the basket in the first housing becomes full, switching the flow to the second is easy using the butterfly valve assembly. Remove, clean, or replace the first basket for use again; the pipeline never shuts down.